Entries by Web Master

Linux Monitoring Agent Installation

Linux Monitoring Agent Installation Nectus Linux Monitoring Agent is required to be installed on target machine to enable Nectus to monitor Linux system parameters such as CPU and RAM utilization, Storage and Network Utilization. Agent collects all the required monitoring metrics and reports to the main Nectus Server every 5 minutes.   Step 1: Download […]

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ClickHouse DB Installation for Nectus Netflow & Syslog Storage

Requirements:  Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS       RAM: 16GB   vCPU: 2 More information about installation: https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/install/#self-managed-install Step 1 Open terminal and install required packages: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates dirmngr Step 2 Import the ClickHouse public key: sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 –recv 8919F6BD2B48D754 NOTE: It is recommended to import the […]


Monitoring BGP Sessions with Nectus

Monitoring BGP Sessions with Nectus Nectus 1.2.53 introduces ability to automatically discover and monitor iBGP and eBGP sessions across all router types and manufacturers. Nectus scheduled network discovery automatically finds all the BGP sessions via SNMP polls and adds it to Nectus database where user can group them by type and enable active monitoring and […]


UPS Health Status Monitoring with Nectus

UPS Status Monitoring with Nectus Health monitoring of UPS units is one of the most critical tasks of network infrastructure monitoring. If UPS fails during power outage it results in immediate network downtime resulting in loss of revenue and degrading user experience. Most of the modern UPS Units perform daily self-tests and results of those […]


Suppression of Frequent Identical Alerts In Nectus

Suppression of Frequent Identical Alerts In Nectus Often when a network device or interface changes its state between Up and Down multiple times in a short time interval, numerous identical alerts will be sent to all the configured alert recipients. Nectus offers the ability to suppress frequent identical alerts to reduce informational noise level by […]


Configuring WMI Integration in Nectus

Configuring WMI Integration in Nectus Nectus uses WMI Interface in several of its modules. List of modules that depends on WMI Integration: Windows Server Monitoring Module IPAM Module In Windows Server Monitoring module Nectus uses WMI interface to poll Windows Servers for critical health metrics such as CPU and RAM Utilization etc. In IPAM Module […]


Monitoring HTTP URLs with Nectus NMS

Monitoring HTTP URLs with Nectus NMS Have you ever been surprised to find out your website hadn’t been running or online? Realtime status updates of your website can relieve you of the frustration of downtime and provide with instant alerts to your team. Nectus HTTP Monitoring module can take the burden of URL monitoring away […]


Multiple Alert Email Aggregation in Nectus

Multiple Alert Email Aggregation in Nectus Very often during site level power or network outages or during network maintenance multiple devices become offline at the same time causing multiple individual DOWN Email alerts to be sent at the same time. Depending in the size of the site it can be well over hundreds or even […]


Monitoring Cisco Power Supplies with SNMP

Monitoring Cisco Power Supplies with SNMP Step 1. Determine which SNMP OID to use Very first step before you can start monitoring power supply status is to determine which SNMP OID is supported by specific router or switch type you want to monitor. The main challenge here is that there is no consensus among manufacturers […]


Using Subnet Profiles in Nectus IPAM

Using Subnet Profiles in Nectus IPAM One of the unique features offered by Nectus is the ability to logically split each subnet into predefined ranges reserved for specific categories such as users, servers, infrastructure devices, etc. This is done with the help of subnet profiles. In Nectus, subnet profile is a set of IP ranges […]

Creating DHCP Split Scopes in Nectus IPAM

Creating DHCP Split Scopes in Nectus IPAM Nectus IPAM offers extensive DHCP integration features with one of the most important is ability to create and manage DHCP Scopes split across multiple DHCP Servers. To create a new DHCP Split-Scope go to “Inventory → IPAM Subnets and Reservations” Select “IPv4 DHCP Subnets” Tab and press “Add Subnets” […]


Using Graphs in Custom Dashboards

Using Graphs in Custom Dashboards Nectus offers extensive capabilities of visualizing different aspects of network performance and presenting it in custom dashboards. This article guides you through the basic step of process of adding graphs to custom dashboards. Step 1. Prepare Graphs for the Dashboard. Generate the graph you’d like to include in a dashboard. […]